With over 20 years experience in the perimeter security field, we are the obvious choice for installing, upgrading or maintaining your security systems – for both residential or commercial properties. Whatashock specialises in Electric Fencing, CCTV Camera Systems, Outdoor Roboguards and Gate Motor sales and installations.
Our team have been trained and combined we have more than 50 years’ experience in security solutions for your home and business. The team at What a Shock is passionate and dedicated to providing excellent service and always strive to meet client expectations. Our goal is to be the number one provider of security products like electric fencing, CCTV Systems, RoboGuard Products and Gate Motors in Gauteng.
What a Shock has grown from a small operation to a great service provider with teams to support all the current clients and installations. Without the dedication and hard work of Management and Teams we would not have been able to achieve any of the goals we have set for ourselves. With hundreds of installations over the years we can truly say, we know what we are doing and the passion to deliver is evident.